Final Project

I want to further explore the capabilities and limits of conveying a narrative, both visually and textually, through Bitsy. I intend to gather up any and all short story fragments and fleshed-out ideas and compiling an anthology-style collection of Bitsy games that all can exist in the same universe, and compliment each other stylistically, yet all act independently as well. Through this, I want to also explore different levels of control the player has in outcomes in order to display a spectrum of freedom among the games.
This concept was heavily inspired, and will likely be pretty dependent on, various “hacks” I’ve researched for Bitsy, which interact with the game’s script to expand the game’s capabilities. The ones I’ve been most intrigued by include communications linking Twine and Bitsy stories into one cohesive project, transforming 2D Bitsy space into 3D, utilizing time-based variables, and also anything that introduces new audio options, which I would love to take advantage of by adding original compositions as background music and sound effects to deepen the playing experience.
Tech-wise, there will mostly be trial and error as I figure out how to utilize these different script edits, and also simply how to make each Bitsy game a different unique way to tell a story, that complements the narrative I assign to it. I want each game to inspire a very specific mood that allows them to function individually, as singular experiences, but also as a greater part of a whole.